Webterminal Documents

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Webterminal focus on DevOps and Continuous Delivery. Focus on automation task and manage asset platform.


separation of front-end and backend. Front-end base on Vue quasar Backend base on Python django、qt、c++、golang...


User permission base on django built-in permission control,multiple factor authentication supported.


Can connect server anywhere use browser (file upload, file download, remote control, realtime monitor, user session control, session audit, session recording), we provide extra commercial support that you can use windows built-in mstsc tools to connect your server


Can connect server anywhere use browser (file upload, file download, remote control, realtime monitor, user session control, session audit, session recording),we provide extra commercial support that you can use windows built-in mstsc tools to connect your server


Can connect server anywhere use browser (file upload, file download, remote control, realtime monitor, user session control, command audit, session audit, session recording),if you use webterminal helper we provide use your favourite tools to manage your asset. Supported tools but not limit on putty、xshell、securecrt...

SSH batch management

batch command, script execution on mutiple servers, realtime monitor, session control


Can connect server anywhere use browser (file upload, file download, file online edit, file delete, file directory upload, file directory archive, file online decompress,),Supported tools but not limit on FileZilla...


Can connect server anywhere use browser (realtime monitor, user session control, session audit, session recording)