# Webterminal manual

# Create credential

Create credential 1 Create credential 2

# Create server

Create server 1 Create server 2

# Create group

Create group 1 Create group 2

# Create task

Create task 1 Create task 2

# Creat new login user

Create new user 1 Create new user 2

# Configure login user permission, server groups and can login user

Configure new user permission 1 Configure new user permission 2

# Webterminal usage

Webterminal Webterminal

# Task usage

task1 task2

# Audit

screenshots 1 screenshots 2 screenshots 3

# Use ssh helper to assit you use putty to connect assigned server

Install "Webterminal helper" on your pc client. In the server list page when you click then it will connect to ther specified server use your favourite tools.

# How to update info

On the left panel you can click the credential list ... Then you can update your info when you click the edit button. If you update all your infomation then click submit button.

update 1 update 2

# Add 2F Authentification to users

Use adminitrator account to login to the system. Open the mfa function switch then logout the system and start the project again. setup mfa switch

# Configure user mfa authentification if you not configure, on your login page when you login will guideline you to setup.

login mfa setup

# Follow the instruction to setup mfa authentiification

setup the mfa

# Login with mfa authentiification

login with mfa